Harvester machine working in field. Combine harvester agriculture machine harvesting golden ripe wheat field.


Impact of Agriculture on People and the Environment – Our Positions

While modern agriculture is essential to ensuring food security for a growing population, there are also increasing concerns regarding the potential impact of agriculture on people and the environment when not done responsibly. We understand that there are risks involved that require ongoing improvement of outcomes within our value chain as well as in the sector as a whole.

We want a future of agriculture that benefits everyone, everywhere. We are committed to creating such a future, and we also recognize that this future can’t be reached without open and honest dialog about the challenges and solutions. Therefore, we encourage a continued exchange on topics of concern. What is food security and how can we support in finding the right solutions? How can we minimize the impact of crop protection products on pollinators? Why do we think that banning exports of products not registered in the EU does not help those it is intended to protect? We invite everyone to find out our position on some of the most pressing topics.

We take our social responsibility very seriously, and we don’t want any of our products to cause harm anywhere in the world. We care passionately about food, agriculture, the environment, our employees and our contribution to the world, for future generations.

Necessity of crop protection and food security

The food we eat is safe

Bees and pollinators health

Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)

Export of products not registered in the EU

Organic versus conventional farming

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