

General information about regulatory data transparency

Why does BASF make safety data more easily accessible?

What information is already available?

What information will BASF make available?

What information will not be available as part of the disclosed studies?

What is confidential business information and why is this important?

Who can request access?

What am I allowed to do with the study information available?

How many full study reports can be accessed via the request?

If I need further information, how can I contact BASF?

How to request a study

How can I request a full study report?

Why can it take some time before I receive access to the full report that I requested?

General questions around safety studies

What are safety data / safety studies?

How are safety studies conducted?

What do safety studies tell us?

Many of the safety studies show toxic effects, why are products considered safe?

How do regulators use safety studies to assess crop protection products?

Safety studies are funded by industry – can the results therefore be trusted?

Contact Us
If you have a question about the regulatory process, already public available data or food safety, please contact us.
Our Industry’s Commitment To Data Transparency