
Information On Data Protection For Interested Parties On Crop Protection Studies

The topic of data protection is of utmost priority for BASF (herein after referred to as “we” or “us”). Naturally, this also includes ensuring a high level of transparency. To ensure this transparency, the following document provides information on how we process the personal data of the contact persons of interested parties on crop protection studies (herein after referred to as „our contact persons“). Of course, we process personal data only in strict compliance with the applicable laws on the protection of personal data.


Who is responsible for data processing and who is the Data Protection Representative?  


Responsible for data processing is:
Carl Bosch Strasse 38
67056 Ludwigshafen /Rhein
+49 621 600


Our Data Protection Representative, Alexandra Haug, can be contacted via the above-mentioned address or via email:  


Which data categories do we use and where do they come from?


We process the following categories of personal data:  


  • Contact information of our contact persons (name and surname, organisation, address, phone number and e-mail address);
  • Other information that is necessary to complete requests from our contact persons (e.g. request report BASF Doc ID, active substance, subject matter of the study report)


We collect the personal information of our contact persons directly from the contact form for studies requests.    


In addition, we process personal information that we have acquired from public sources in an appropriate manner.



For what purposes and on what legal basis are data processed?


We process personal data of our contact persons in compliance with the provisions of the General EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as all other relevant laws.


Data processing serves the following purposes:  


  • Authentication of the interested parties, verification of the request and contact
  • Sending the study to the interested party
  • Verification of the proper use of the study.
  • Resolving disputes and lawsuits, regarding the use of the appropriate use of the studies

The processing of the above-mentioned data categories is necessary to achieve these purposes.


If not otherwise expressly stipulated, the legal basis for the processing is article 6 Para. 1 lit (b) and (f) EU General Data Protection Regulation.


In addition, we also obtain express permission from our contact persons to collect personal data under article 6 Para. 1 lit a of the EU Data Protection Regulation.


If we intend to process personal data of our contact persons for any other purpose not mentioned above we will inform our contact persons accordingly prior to such processing.


To whom is personal data transmitted?

Within our company, only persons and bodies who need personal data of our contact persons to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes will receive access to such data.


Within our group of companies, personal data of our contact persons is provided to specific companies within the group if they centrally perform key tasks for affiliates within the company group or perform cross-company functions on the basis of the organizational structure or if it necessary to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes.


We might transfer personal data of our contact persons to supervisory authorities, courts or law offices as far as necessary to ensure compliance with applicable law or to exercise, assert or defend legal rights if legally permitted.

We also work with service providers to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes. Those service providers process personal data of our contact persons in our name and solely according to our instructions. They are contractually obliged to adhere to the applicable data protection regulations.


In some cases, we disclose personal data to service providers or group companies located outside of the European Economic Area (“third-party countries”), in which an adequate data protection level is not guaranteed by applicable laws. In such cases we take suitable measures to safeguard the protection of the personal data of our contact persons and to ensure an adequate level of data protection. Hence, we disclose personal information of our contact persons to recipients outside our group of companies located in a third-party country only if those recipients have concluded the EU Standard Contractual Clauses with us or if those recipients have implemented Binding Corporate Rules.


Further information as well as a copy of the measures taken can be obtained from the above specified contacts.


For how long do we retain personal data of our contact persons?

If not explicitly stipulated otherwise (e.g. in a specific consent form) we delete or block personal data of our contact persons as soon as they are no longer needed for the purposes cited above, unless deletion or blocking would violate our legal obligations to provide and preserve records (such as retention periods provided by commercial or tax laws). 


Which data protection rights can be asserted by concerned parties?

Our contact persons may request information regarding the personal data we store and process concerning her or him at the above address. In addition, under specific circumstances our contact persons may demand correction or deletion of the personal data concerning her or him. They may also be entitled to a right to restrict the processing of personal data as well as a right to the disclosure of the data provided by them in a structured, customary and machine-readable format.

Right To Object
If the processing is based on a consent, our contact persons have the right to object to the processing of personal data related to him or her at any time. If we process personal data of our contact persons to safeguard our legitimate interests our contact persons can object to the processing at any time for reasons resulting from his or her specific situation. In case of an objection we will stop processing the personal data of the respective data subject unless we can provide compelling reasons that prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of our contact persons or prove that the processing serves the establishment, exercise, defense of legal claims or litigation.

Where can complaints be submitted?

Irrespective of any other legal remedy under administrative law or judicial remedy, our contact persons are entitled to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, particularly in the member state in which he or she is a resident or where the alleged violation took place, if our contact persons believe the processing of personal data related to him or her is in violation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.


The supervisory authority to which the complaint is submitted shall notify the appellant of the situation and the results of the complaint, including the option of a legal remedy in accordance with article 78 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.


Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Rheinland-Pfalz
Hintere Bleiche 34
55116 Mainz