Rice Cultivation
In this episode, Barry and Ben visit Italy to learn all about how rice is grown there. Along the way, they discover how breeding new varieties is helping growers face the challenges of climate change. But how will what they learn translate into the dishes they create in the studio?

Behind the scenes
The Sorted team drove out to Società Agricola Spina, a family-owned rice producer in the Lombardy in northern Italy. There, they met Melissa Malaspina, third-generation rice producer and co-head of the company, and spoke to her about how consumer demands and new technologies have been changing their daily work, and which sustainability measures they incorporate in their rice production. Next, they spoke with Michela Martinotti, breeder at Lugano Leonardo, who introduced them to the world of rice seed breeding and the new varieties that are helping farmers meet the challenges of climate change on their farms. Back in the kitchen, Mike and Ben used rice straight from Melissa’s farm to cook the best dish to highlight this classic Italian produce.
About Melissa and Michela
Rice production facts from around the world