
Did You Know Smart Farming Can Be Pocket-Sized?

A person pulling a smartphone out of the pocket

Smart farming is often associated with high-tech greenhouses and tractors, or drones hovering over large fields, however in many parts of the world, smart phones are the real game-changers

Smart phones are helping previously isolated smallholders to grow better crops and get better prices [1]. For example, in India, apps help farmers monitor commodity prices of over 450 crop varieties, in 1300 mandis (local markets), and access forecasts from 3500 weather locations across an area covering 50,000 villages and 17 states [2]. In Rwanda and Senegal, apps provide real-time information on animal disease control and animal feeding strategies, including vaccination calendars and contact details of local veterinarians [3]. 

The world’s population is expected to grow to almost 10 billion by 2050, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Smart phones and other digital technologies are already helping farmers around the world to grow more and better-quality crops, optimize use of natural resources and minimize environmental impact.

A video from the FAO: In Africa, digital innovation has the power to transform the agriculture and employment sectors by improving food production, providing agribusiness opportunities and creating exciting new employment opportunities for young people.

[1] The future of food and agriculture Trends and challenges (FAO 2017)

[2] Indian Farmer's Portal (

[3] Unleashing the potential of Africa's youth through digital innovations (FAO 2018)