Did you know farming is a strategy game?

A popular farming simulator video game sold more than 1.5 million copies during its release week [1]. Remarkably, there are more virtual “farmer players” than the one million real young farmers in the EU [2]. How can this untapped potential be transformed into real jobs in agriculture?
While simulation games can help seed interest in agriculture and inform about farming, improving conditions for generational renewal should be in the center of future EU agricultural policies [3]. In addition to overcoming challenges like access to land, knowledge transfer, and economic support, enabling access to innovative technologies like digital and precision agriculture should be further facilitated and improved.
[1] Farming Simulator 22 reaches record-breaking 1.5 million copies sold in first week | Game World Observer
[2] Farmers and the agricultural labour force - statistics | Statistics Explained (
[3] As echoed by CEJA: EU elections - CEJA Manifesto for generational renewal in agriculture | CEJA