
Did you know 60% of EU’s rural households do not
have access to broadband internet?


Faster uptake of innovative digital and precision agriculture technologies will rely on rural populations having access to broadband internet. This will be critical for achieving  the  Farm  to  Fork  Strategy's  objectives  of reducing  environmental impact as well as saving costs & resources.

Examples  of  technologies  which  can  improve  agricultural  sustainability include use  of  satellite  data  to  map  the  health  status  of  agricultural  fields  and soils, efficient transfer of data between tractors and servers, image recognition and artificial intelligence to anticipate crop diseases and achieve targeted application of  agricultural  inputs.  In  this  regard,  European  satellite  programs  EGNOS  and  Galileo  can  help  achieve  the  best  possible  results  in precision agriculture.


An example how European satellite programs can help in precision agriculture.

[*] Title: Data from "European Commission joins forces to help bringing more broadband in rural areas" Link here