Farmer smiling while holding a harvested rice plant


Prexio® Active Insecticide
Rice Crops

Prexio® Active is a new insecticide active ingredient designed specifically to manage all four rice hopper pest species – the brown planthopper, white-backed planthopper, small brown planthopper and rice green leafhopper.

Prexio is not yet registered or available for use. Prexio is expected to launch in select Asia Pacific countries starting in 2025. Timelines are subject to regulatory approval. Prexio may not be registered for use in all countries.

Farmer in the rice field

Prexio is a mesoionic molecule which targets the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), inhibiting neurotransmission in insects. Prexio is classified as Group 4E by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC). Target pests’ exposure to Prexio leads to paralysis and feeding cessation. Unlike insecticides that cause hyperexcitation, Prexio prevents nerve stimulation, which also effectively controls insect pests.

The physico-chemical properties of Prexio enable plant systemicity, ensuring more complete plant coverage, improved rainfastness and longer residual activity. Extensive studies by BASF have demonstrated that the proposed uses of Prexio have a favorable ecotoxicology and sustainability profile when applied according to label instructions. Prexio demonstrates consistent field performance, supported by studies showing the absence of cross-resistances with insecticide-resistant rice planthopper populations.

Key Features of Prexio Active


  • Highly effective against all four rice hopper pest species
  • No cross-resistance to market standards
  • New active ingredient rice insecticide in IRAC Group 4E
  • Plant systemicity results in more complete coverage
  • Delivers quick feeding cessation and long residual control
Introducing Prexio Active Insecticide | BASF Insecticides

Introducing Prexio Active Insecticide

Prexio Active at-a-glance

Key Crops
  • Rice
Key Pests Controlled
Primary pests:
  • Brown planthopper (BPH)
  • White-backed planthopper (WBPH)
  • Small brown planthopper (SBPH)
  • Rice green leafhopper (GLH)

Additional pests controlled through the granular formulation:
  • Rice water weevil
  • Rice leaf beetle
  • Rice stem borer
  • Rice skipper
Application Methods
  • Foliar
  • Granular (available in select countries)


Always read and follow label use instructions. Availability of key active ingredients, products and mixtures vary by region. Regulatory requirements vary among countries and their regulatory authorities. Check with your local BASF representative regarding the use of products in your region.