
Did you know 1 gram of seeds can produce 9 tons of tomatoes?

We all love eating tomatoes, but we rarely link them to agricultural innovation. Open-fields farmers could expect to harvest up to 4 kilograms of tomatoes per square metre. In modern greenhouses, yields can be increased to 80 kilograms per square metre. This is a 20-fold increase while using four times less water! [1]

An illustration of efficient & sustainable farming.

This is possible with the use of innovative technologies and agricultural practices, including advanced plant breeding, pollination by bumblebees, remote sensors and controlled light and temperature. This illustrates how farmers can produce more with less, thereby contributing to achievement of the Farm2Fork Strategy’s objectives.

[*] On the cover picture: A handful of tomato seeds. 

[**] 9 tons produced per season per 150m2 in a modern greenhouse. 

[1] The Futuristic Farms That Will Feed the World | Freethink | Future of Food - YouTube